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Creating your Unity project

Unity Version

ChilloutVR's Content Creation Kit currently works with a wide range of Unity versions, from 2019.4.13f1 to 2019.4.31f1. The preferred version being the latest.

Be sure to use a valid version or the preferred version if you want to avoid any issues.

Content Creation Kit

To download the CCK (Content Creation Kit), click here.

Drop the .unitypackage that you got in the Assets window on Unity. Then click on Import.

Example import CCK

Importing the CCK can take a few minutes.

After importing the CCK, a folder named ABI.CCK will be visible along with a new menu named Alpha Blend Interactive at the top of your Unity window.

Login in the CCK

In the Alpha Blend Interactive menu, select Control Panel (Builder and Settings) to get the CCK control window.

You'll have to input your username and your access-key!

Your access-key can be found on the official website.

Access Key CCK Access Key CCK


The upload limits with a free acount is of 10 (avatars, worlds and props counted together).

You can purchase on Steam or on the official website of CVR the Unlocked Account for 6.59€. It is a singlet time payment that will allow you to have unlimited uploads.